JOY Club
JOY Club is a ministry for children in preschool through 5th grade. Our goal is to help the children connect with one another and with God and the Church. We aim to have activities around once per month. Some of the Christian Education events we have provided in the past include Lazarus Saturday events preparing for Holy Week, learning about the Feast Days of the Church and doing a "scavenger hunt" in the nave to learn about our church building. We have reached out to others by making snack bags for the homeless, making crafts and cards for nursing home residents and Christmas caroling at retirement communities. We have bonded together through games days, bowling, kickball matches, and movie days.
We rely on parental help at our events, so if you or your child would like to participate in JOY Club, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
We rely on parental help at our events, so if you or your child would like to participate in JOY Club, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.