The ladies of St. John Chrysostom gathered on Saturday, January 18 for their annual winter retreat! Finding inspiration in the quote from Saint Sophrony Sakharov who encourages us to “draw back a little, and have a cup of tea”, the ladies hosted an afternoon tea. We were honored to have Fr. Ed Hughes as our retreat leader who spoke to us about Hieromonk Seraphim, St. Sophrony, and their guidance regarding God’s control of our lives. Fr. Ed shared stories from his own ministry as a parish priest, and walked us through St. Seraphim’s spiritual testament titled “That Was From Me.” This beautiful document expresses time and again how God provides all for us–even the things we may think are bad are given to us as gifts to help us strengthen our faith and belief in God’s power. Thank you to Fr. Ed as well as all the ladies who attended and helped provide food and tea for a wonderful and spiritually enriching afternoon.
Mini Oratorical Workshop Saturday, January 11, 2025
Saturday, January 11 was St. John Chrysostom’s 2nd annual mini-oratorical workshop! Our teens gathered with peers at St. Philips in Souderton, PA to participate in an afternoon of fellowship, workshop, and oratorical practice. The group of teens was introduced to the Oratorical Festival that takes place every year at the PLC with a brief overview. V.Rev. Noah Bushelli led the introduction, followed by words from the previous year’s Oratorical winner, then attendees took part in two sessions. The first session was about research and the anatomy of an oratorical presentation: developing an introduction, body, and conclusion. The second session was all about presentation, from pacing and speaking volume, to confidence, gestures, and tips on how to avoid mumbling. Students had the opportunity to practice their presentation skills while reading an epistle and received feedback from their peers. They were also given the chance to deliver a mini-oratorical and hear constructive feedback from other participants as well as the instructor, Cynthia Long from St. George Orthodox Church in Upper Darby, PA. We are excited to see what this year’s participants bring to the 2025 PLC!
Christmas Caroling Sunday, December 15, 2024
This past Sunday, December 15, the St. John’s JOY Club, SOYO members, and parishioners, along with Father Peter and Dn. Jason visited three of our homebound parishioners to sing carols. At each home the carolers sang the Nativity Troparion and a selection of secular Christmas songs — some by special request — spending about twenty minutes spreading Christmas cheer through song. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, O Holy Night, Silver Bells, Deck the Halls, and Little Drummer Boy were just some of the songs chosen by our beloved homebound parishioners who were also given cookies and cards made by the JOY Club children. It was a blessing to visit and bring joy to our loved ones! Thank you to Leslie A. for organizing this yearly tradition!
Nativity Pageant Sunday, December 8, 2024
This year’s St. John Chrysostom Sunday School pageant was performed in honor of St. Nicholas! Acting out this beloved saint’s life with narration, costumes, and sets, the children of St. John’s brought the story of St. Nicholas’s generosity and faithfulness to life. After four weeks of rehearsal, the children performed for the entire parish after Divine Liturgy on December 8, extending the commemoration of St. Nicholas. A huge thank you to Kyra F. for directing, and the Sunday School teachers for working with their students and helping the show run smoothly!
Teen SOYO Bring a Friend Event Saturday, November 23, 2024
On November 23, our Teen SOYO members hosted friends for their Bring a Friend event! The teens and their friends attended Saturday night Vespers and were able to witness pre-chrismation prayers before helping to prepare a meal for the baptism the following day. They also guided a church tour where they talked about the layout, why we face East, the icons, altar, and more. And they got a demo of the censer. It was a joy to welcome our guests for the evening!
Patronal Weekend With His Grace Bishop THOMAS Friday, November 8 - Sunday, November 10, 2024
We were blessed to spend this past weekend worshiping, gathering, and learning together for our Patronal Weekend!
It was an honor to once again welcome Bishop THOMAS to St. John Chrysostom. He visited our parish from Friday, November 8 through Sunday, November 10th, meeting with various members of our parish and celebrating Divine Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with us.
Friday night, Bishop THOMAS met with the parish council members and their spouses, along with clergy and their wives, enjoying dinner and taking the opportunity to discuss the growth of Orthodoxy throughout the country. Included in the conversation were all the elements of Orthodoxy that draw converts as well as the role of the internet in sharing our faith.
On Saturday morning, the St. John’s men’s group celebrated the Feast Day of St. Nektarios with Third Hour prayers, followed by a delicious breakfast buffet and a Q&A session with his Grace Bishop THOMAS. The men discussed St. Nektarios’ life and how his virtues can resonate with Christian men today. We also discussed the role of men in the church, growth of Orthodoxy, the role of comedy in today’s world, and how to reconcile being an Orthodox Christian and politics — Bishop THOMAS encouraged people to vote based on what’s best for their salvation.
Great Vespers was celebrated on Saturday evening, followed by the 2nd annual chili cookoff. We had 15 homemade chilis submitted for judging from contestants representing Team Lancaster and Team York. Anna M. won best of Lancaster and Ted B. won best of York. Robert K. took home the Bishop Choice Award and Team Lancaster went home with the Best Overall County by a nail biter — only a handful of votes separated the winner and runner up!
On Sunday morning we celebrated Orthros and Divine Hierarchical Liturgy with His Grace Bishop THOMAS as well as V. Rev. Father Peter and V. Rev. Ed Hughes. At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy the younger Sunday School students presented Bishop THOMAS with flowers and sang a beautiful song written for him.
At coffee hour, Bishop THOMAS spent time talking to the teens, encouraging them to visit a monastery if they have the chance, and discussing the exhumation of St. Raphael at Antiochian Village. Politics and the way teens feel about school and other things happening in the world were also addressed during the discussion.
As always, our Patronal Weekend was blessed with many opportunities to gather and worship together as a community, and we are continuously grateful for the spiritual guidance and prayers of His Grace Bishop THOMAS. A special thank you as well to everyone who helped prepare food and make this weekend a success!
Teen SOYO Attend Retreat Saturday, October 26, 2024
On Saturday, October 26, seven of our teens attended a retreat at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Little Falls, NJ. Alongside teens from a variety of other regional parishes, our teens started the day with morning prayer and then dove into an ice breaker.
Then they broke into small groups for team building activities such as using toothpicks and tape to build the highest tower! They were then joined by His Grace Metropolitan SABA who spoke with the teens for an hour and fielded questions about saints, humility, and prayer.
After lunch, the teens packed backpacks with food items for the needy and made blankets as service projects, then enjoyed a workshop with V. Rev. Nicholas Belcher spoke about “the rock of faith”, focusing on centering our lives on Christ and the church.
The day concluded with Vespers. Thank you so much for hosting us St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, we look forward to gathering together again soon for another fantastic teen retreat!
Teen SOYO Hosts Give Back Dinner Saturday, September 28, 2024
On Saturday, September 28, the St. John’s teens hosted a Give Back Dinner for the parish. To thank the parish for all they do for the teens, the teens prepared and served dinner and offered babysitting services to those who needed it. Before vespers on Saturday, the teens cooked a delicious menu of chicken, sausage, noodles, alfredo sauce, rolls, and salad. They then attended vespers and, afterwards, served dinner to the attendees. Back in the Sunday school hall, the teens also offered babysitting for younger kids. They built puzzles and train tracks, played games and cards, and even constructed a makeshift ping pong table! Dn. Jason even dazzled the teens with a card trick that some of the teens then learned so they could dazzle others. During dinner, the teens led a game called “match the teen” where a table of adults was paired with a teen and had to match answers to questions. It was a lot of fun with lots of laughs! Huge thank you to everyone who attended, as well as the teens for giving back to the St. John’s community!
Deacon Retreat Saturday, September 21, 2024
On Saturday, September 21 Deacons John, Jerome, and Jason joined their fellow deacons and His Grace Bishop THOMAS for St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church’s Deacon Retreat.
Deacons from all over Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia gathered for Matins at 8am which was followed by breakfast. The day’s speaker was the Rev. Father Ted Pulcini, PhD, Dmin. who spoke on the topic The Deacon and Anger: Confronting Anger on the Personal and Parish Levels.
His Grace Bishop THOMAS also spoke with the deacons about opportunities within his dioceses for the ministry of a deacon, and the day was concluded with vespers and a meal at a local restaurant.
Oktoberfest Friday, September 20, 2024
On Friday September 20, Dustan and Rebekah Y. hosted Oktoberfest for the St. John Chrysostom parish! Celebrating (and enjoying) German food including pretzels, bratwurst, sauerkraut, cabbage, and more, the night also featured a beer tasting of fall brews and Oktoberfest favorites – Father Peter even brought his own beer stein! The evening was a wonderful success, and a good time was had by all!
JOY Club Sunday September 15, 2024
The JOY Club gathered for an outdoor afternoon of fun on September 15. They were blessed with fantastic weather perfect for kickball, jumprope, other outdoor activities and games, followed by some treats and fellowship.
St. John Parish Picnic Saturday August 17, 2024
The St. John Chrysostom Parish Picnic 2024 was a success! On Saturday, August 17 we gathered at the church for a day of fun, fellowship, and food. The rain held off and allowed us to start the day with Ninth Hour Prayers and enjoy an afternoon of outdoor activities.
Nick P., assisted by Deacon Thomas from Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in York, roasted a lamb on a spit, while Danielle W. and Dustan G. were our grill masters—grilling up hotdogs, hamburgers, and cheeseburgers! The rest of the delicious food was provided by parishioners, and we also enjoyed snowcones and popcorn.
The teens and younger children had some friendly competition with basketball and kickball, there was a slip-and-slide for our young faithful to enjoy, and our brave Dn. Jason was dunked 50 times as he helped the teens with their fundraiser: “Dunk the Deacon” dunk tank run by Michael F. By the end of the day, the teens raised $350 for the Prayer Walk Project. As always, it was a joy to gather together for another picnic. A huge thank you to everyone who made the day so wonderful, and we look forward to next year!
VCS: "Super Saints" Sunday August 4 - Thursday August 8
The St. John Vacation Church School week wrapped up this past Thursday and we couldn’t be more thankful for this wonderful week of learning and fellowship for our children!
This year, we hosted a “Super Saints” Vacation Church School from Sunday, August 4th through Thursday, August 8th. Each day the children learned about a saint or saints who have provided us all with the highest examples of how to live a life following and seeking Christ. On Sunday, the lessons focused on St. John the Baptist and Repentance, Monday explored the Feast of Transfiguration, Tuesday we learned about St. Katherine and Standing Firm, while on Wednesday we studied St. George for the theme of Witness, and Thursday was all about St. Nectarios of Aegina and Endurance.
The VSC participants were split into four houses: House Daniel (ages 3 through 1st grade), House Herman (2nd - 4th grade), House Justinian (Grades 5th and 6th), and House Ignatius (Grades 7th - 12th). Together, along with other parishioners, the students gathered for Divine Liturgy for the Transfiguration on Monday night after which the teens acted out the account of the Transfiguration from the Gospel of Matthew. Then the entire VCS colored a large transfiguration icon to display in the fellowship hall.
The following evenings of VCS, everybody gathered at 6 PM in the fellowship hall for music and song, then the age/grade groups split into their own house for lessons and activities surrounding each day’s theme. At the end of the evening, the groups came together again for fellowship, snacks and group games.
Throughout the week, there was a waterslide (Sunday and Wednesday), and to finish off the VCS adventure was a “Roller Night” on Thursday where the kids brought bikes, scooters, and skateboards to ride in the church parking lot, followed by a dance party featuring glow-in-dark necklaces and bracelets!
A huge thank you to all the participants, parents, teachers, and helpers who made our VCS week a huge success and such a memorable event for everyone! God willing, we will see you all next year for another amazing VCS week!
Teen SOYO helps "Off The Streets" Saturday, July 13, 2024
On Saturday, July 13, members of our Teen SOYO volunteered, once again, with Off the Streets Lancaster. Off the Streets is a Lancaster-based organization which helps individuals and families move from homelessness and transitional housing into permanent housing and a secure living situation. Our teens regularly volunteer with this organization, helping them fulfill their mission.
Ms. Mary and Dn. Jason along with Mary F., Michael F., Nadia G., and Bella G. spent the day moving furniture for a young family with two children. They helped load the trucks, deliver the items to the family’s new apartment, and unload the beds, couches, bureaus, and other household items. They also stayed on to help set up the furnishings, making beds, setting up furniture, and hanging things like shower curtains. It is always a blessing to help Off the Streets with their amazing work and worthy cause. Learn more about Off the Streets and consider donating at their website ( or volunteer with the teens next time!
St. John Chrysostom Antiochian Orthodox Church 1993 - 2023
On Sunday, January 8, 2023, His Grace Bp. THOMAS (Joseph), proistamenos the Very Rev. Father Peter Pier, along with the clergy and faithful gathered to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the parish of St. John Chrysostom, as well as the 30th anniversary of Fr. Peter's ordination to the priesthood. Following a hierarchical divine liturgy, celebrated by His Grace Bp. THOMAS, approximately 190 clergy and faithful gathered in the parish hall to give thanks to God for all that he has accomplished over the past thirty years. The hall was full of great joy and thanksgiving as Mr. James Clymer, Parish Council President, emceed the event. Fr. Peter and Kh. Pam both shared memories of the early days of the parish with both humor and tenderness. Sayidna THOMAS commended all those who have lovingly labored to build the parish to what it is today, through the prayers and inspiration of His Grace Bp. ANTOUN of blessed memory, and called all present to view the spiritual success of the first thirty years as a foundation for all that is to come through the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Special thanks goes to Leslie Atherholt, who organized the celebration and catering by Mission BBQ of York, along with the many volunteers who helped with set up, serving, and clean up. Joining us for the celebration was the Rev. Economos Andrew Tsikitas, Presbytera Katherine Tsikitas, Rev. Deacon Tom & Jan Shelley of the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation of York, Pennsylvania. Click here to read more and to see photos
Daily Readings
Location & Directions
2397 N. Sherman St. / York, Pennsylvania / 17406
St. John Chrysostom Antiochian Orthodox Church
2397 N. Sherman St., York, Pennsylvania 17406 [email protected] / 717-515-2156