Etiquette for Church Services
Download - A Guide to Parish Etiquette (Booklet)
Adapted from The Chrysostom Chronicle newsletter, October 2010.
- Be respectful; you are in the House of God.
- Come on time! The Liturgy begins at 10 a.m. Refrain from engaging in idle conversation in Church; rather everyone is encouraged to pray and sing along with the choir.
- There should be no movement in Church, including entering and leaving or walking down the aisle, especially during the Little Entrance with the Gospel, the reading of the Epistle and Gospel lessons, the sermon, and the Great Entrance with the Holy Gifts.
- Only Orthodox Christians who have properly prepared themselves through fasting, prayer, and the Sacrament of Confession should receive Holy Communion.
- During the distribution of Holy Communion, everyone should remain standing and those who are prepared should come forward quietly with respect and anticipation that they will be receiving the very Body and Blood of our Lord.
- If you are wearing lipstick, remove it before you come forward to receive.
- Keep in mind that since the Church is the House of God, His Kingdom on earth, we should all dress properly in order to maintain the sanctity of the services and reflect proper respect. Dress should reflect our realization that we are in the presence of our Lord and God--the All-holy One.